


An excellent, working knowledge of computing and IT is an important part of equipping children for future learning and future work. We believe in teaching children the key knowledge and skills to enable them to use technology to complement and improve their work and life experiences which will enable them to become active participants in the digital world, use ever-changing technology to express themselves and develop programming skills, as a tool for learning and to embed computing in their learning and day to day life. 

Through discrete Computing lessons and use across the curriculum, we help children at Worsley Bridge to develop as respectful, responsible users of technology, aware of the advantages and disadvantages associated with technology, including how to keep themselves and others safe online. 

Our aim is to deliver a high-quality Computing curriculum which engages, inspires and challenges pupils, equipping them with a broad and deep knowledge alongside giving them opportunities to apply skills in various digital contexts. We recognise that children at Worsley Bridge use a wide range of technology in a range of contexts and need to be equipped with a solid understanding of internet safety. 



In order to achieve this, we continuously review our computing curriculum to ensure it is relevant in our rapidly evolving world. We expose students to a variety of software, programs, and equipment in order to offer a range of appropriate challenges and experiences both in discrete Computing lessons and across the curriculum to help children become independent thinkers and develop links between ideas.  

In EYFS, Computing is taught through the Understanding the World area of the curriculum. Children are provided with hands on opportunities to work with technology, with access to tablets and BeeBots, as well as time in the computer room. Children’s curiosity is fostered through engaging activities, questioning and time to tinker with different devices. Purple Mash is used to support the computing curriculum. 

In KS1 and KS2, Purple Mash is the primary delivery tool for computing in KS1 and KS2.  Here, computing is split more discreetly into three core areas: 

• Computer Science – the understanding of coding and programming across a range of physical devices and digital resources. 
• Information Technology – the range of skills required to operate and manipulate specific programs, systems, and content. 
• Digital Literacy – the knowledge required to use technology safely and to evaluate and react to any potential risks of the online/digital world. 

The National Curriculum provides the basis for our Computing curriculum, and this content is then supplemented by a number of rich, broad, diverse and relevant resources and experiences. Computing is integrated into other subject areas, ensuring children can apply their Computing knowledge to aid their learning across the curriculum. 



Within Computing we encourage a creative and collaborative environment in which pupils can learn to express and challenge themselves. The success of the curriculum itself will be assessed via the analysis of yearly progress data, pupil voice sessions, lesson observations and skills audits. This will then inform future adaptions of our curriculum and help to ensure that progression is evident throughout school. 

In order to demonstrate that we have accomplished our aims, children at Worsley Bridge Primary School will: be enthusiastic and confident in their approach to Computing, using computational thinking to support their work; have a secure understanding of the positive uses and potential risks associated with a broad range of digital technology; and transition to KS3 with a keen interest in the continued learning of Computing. 

Progression Overview for Computing